My Blog

Daily Wellness Resources

Powerful Prayer Statements

I AM the Living Loving Presence of God in me, through me and around me renewing, rejuvenating and regenerating my body, mind and spirit and emotions,  In this Holy instant: ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. I AM good enough, I AM deserving and I AM worthy of every positive...

Healing Bad Habits

Definition of a Bad Habit:  A bad habit is a negative behavior pattern: Procrastination, Nail biting, over spending, over eating and perfectionism to name a few.   Bad Habits is a conditioned response.  It can be generational/ancestral also.  It can be so ingrained in...

“Moonlight Mystics”

         "Moonlight Mystics"                             Presents Rev. Robin and Michele                  Our introductory event to Moonlight Mystics is Thursday, July 7th at 7 PM.    At this event you will be given a 3 x 5 card to write down two or three  questions...

Featured Publications

Wellness Book Series

  • Part 1 – Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Part 2 – Phasellus malesuada nibh
  • Part 3 – Feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare.

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