My Blog

Daily Wellness Resources

Reiki ll Class Tomorrow Evening

Usui Reiki ll Class tomorrow April 22, 2022 at 7 PM in Little Falls, NJ.  Prerequisite for this Course is Usui Reiki l. Usui Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of healing that brings healing to your body, mind, spirit and emotion.  It can be used on yourself or...

Usui Reiki II Class

I will be teaching Usui Reiki II class this Friday Evening at 7 PM.  Prerequisite is Reiki I.  Here you will learn three Japanese Symbols that will teach you how to send healing out to others in need.  This is a Certificate Course.  You will be a Certified Reiki...

Readings and Classes in Colorado Springs

I will be in Colorado doing readings and classes in the Colorado Springs Area the second week of June.  Stay tune for more information as these events unfold.

Featured Publications

Wellness Book Series

  • Part 1 – Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Part 2 – Phasellus malesuada nibh
  • Part 3 – Feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!