Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese healing art that is becoming increasingly popular worldwide.

The word ‘Reiki’ evolved from ‘Rei’ which means “universal, transcendental spirit, mysterious power or essence”. ‘Ki’ is described as “vital life force energy of the Earth, Planets and Stars”. These sources of energy, the universal life force invigorates all living matter. This life force energy is the source of Life itself.

Everything alive contains ‘Ki’ and radiates it – it is the biomagnetic energy of the aura. Reiki is a method used to interact with this energy and shift it in such a way as to stimulate the body’s own healing powers.

Reiki heals on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Reiki healing takes place at all levels of a person’s being by connecting to the Life Force within. It not only treats the symptoms but brings about balance and healing where the cause of disease lies.

Reiki is based on channeling energy, working with energy. You could call the energy prana, the energy that you work with or Chi. Now, from the Oriental point of view, chi doesn’t just flow through us, but it surrounds and engulfs us too. Reiki is drawing down divine light or divine love. This ties in more, with the point of view of conventional spiritual healers, who draw down divine light. And because Reiki is not attached to or allied to any particular religious belief, it should be acceptable to all people whether they have no religious beliefs or very strongly held beliefs. Reiki helps you to feel calmer, content, and serene, it helps you to feel more positive, better able to cope, and you’re not so affected by stressful people and stressful situations.