Happy Almost Spring!!!!
Believe & Succeed  is an older class, however,
it teaches how to let go of old habits and create
new positive.  $25.00                                                  Wed, March 9, 2022   7:30 PM
Prayer & Meditation:                                                   Fri, March 11, 2022     7-8 PM
Let’s join in Prayer & Meditation for ourselves
and Our Mother Earth and Ukraine
“Heart Donation”
Meditation & Message Service                                   FRI, March 18th,2022 7-9 PM
come & enjoy a relaxing meditation &
receive a message or two.  $25.00
USUI Reiki II Class                                                       Sat, March 19, 2022 12 noon
You will learn 3 Japanese Reiki Symbols
and you will receive 100% of the Reiki Power
and will learn how to do distant healing work.
Pre-requisite: Usui Reiki I 
Seating is limited, call to reserve your seat today!  551-404-5753