Mantras and Chants

            Mantras and chants have been employed by the esoteric tradition in the East and in the West.  They are powerful tools for energizing and strengthening.  Mantras and chants have been used to change the auric field of individuals for healing and for higher...

Your Relationship With Yourself

The relationship you have with yourself is one of the most important pieces of creating a good life. How you see yourself shapes what you experience in the world around you. See yourself as incompetent, and you will be. See yourself as beautiful and powerful, and you...

Powerful Prayer Statements

I AM the Living Loving Presence of God in me, through me and around me renewing, rejuvenating and regenerating my body, mind and spirit and emotions,  In this Holy instant: ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. I AM good enough, I AM deserving and I AM worthy of every positive...

Healing Bad Habits

Definition of a Bad Habit:  A bad habit is a negative behavior pattern: Procrastination, Nail biting, over spending, over eating and perfectionism to name a few.   Bad Habits is a conditioned response.  It can be generational/ancestral also.  It can be so ingrained in...

Meditation & Message Service

I have been doing this Meditation & Message Service for over 30 years now.  The Meditation is always a Healing meditation, for we are all in need of some healing of our bodies, minds, spirit or emotions.  We join together as like minded individuals as we pray for...