Invocation to raise your vibration
            Beloved Presence of God blazing in my heart…I know and accept that, through this invocation, You have taken command of my four lower bodies.  My physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies are now being raised in vibration, and they are being integrated with Your Pure Radiant Presence.  My awareness is increasing, and I begin to perceive clearly Your “still, small voice within.”  I know that You respond to my every call for assistance.  I am beginning to experience Your exquisite vibrations, and my entire Being is  flooded with Light.  My consciousness is opening to the influx of Your pure spiritual energy.  From this new level of awareness, I now know, as never before, You are in me. And I AM in Thee.  I know You are me.
I AM a Being of Radiant Light!
I AM One with the energy and vibration that is the all-encompassing Presence of God.
I AM One with the Divine Love that fills the Universe with the glory of Itself.
I AM One with every particle of life.
I AM One with the Divine Plan for Planet Earth.
I AM One with the Limitless Flow of God’s Abundance.
I AM that I AM